Our Local Counsel directory provides attorneys across the country with direct access to lawyers in all 50 states who can assist their clients in pursuing the best outcome for their legal circumstances in a state where they are not licensed to practice themselves.
Simply put, we are dedicated to promoting and recognizing the highest standards of legal excellence through partnerships between attorneys of all types who can act as local counsel for out-of-state clients, including individuals, entities, and corporations.
Whether your law firm wants to assist in the trial pro hac vice — working alongside an out-of-state attorney in jurisdictions where you have not been admitted to practice law — or would like to build your law firm’s referral revenue, Local Counsel provides access to prescreened attorneys in your law firm’s legal discipline across all 50 states.
We have taken the time to prescreen attorneys across the nation, so other lawyers can search for, locate, and partner with their law firms based on where they are located, their legal focuses, credentials, case results, state and/or federal licenses, and bilingual or multilingual languages, when applicable.
At Local Counsel, we understand that establishing a reliable partnership with local state and federal attorneys can mean the difference between effectively navigating courtrooms across the country and failing to secure positive outcomes for out-of-state plaintiffs.
As a member of Local Counsel, you can build lasting relationships with out-of-state attorneys who provide reciprocal referrals to your law firm, allowing legal communities across the nation to unite for the greater good.
Become a member of Local Counsel today and start increasing your law firm’s revenue without doing the necessary legwork.